100% Decentralized Protocols within Web3

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What is Blaze?

1. Real Defi: Blaze operates on the Ethereum blockchain.

2. Capped Supply: Features a limited supply of 11m tokens distributed over 18 years.

3. Auction Minting: Tokens are minted through a unique daily auction process.

4. Staking Platform: Users can stake purchased tokens to earn Ethereum rewards over time.

5. Buy and Burn: Decentralised functions continually buy and burn Blaze tokens to promote deflation and scarcity.

6. Community Focused: Blaze is a fully decentralised and community lead protocol.

7. Fair-Launched: There were no pre-sales, ICOs, or fund raises at launch.

8. Secure and Transparent: Operates on immutable, trustless, and permissionless code.

First Principles Of Blaze 3 labs

Real People, Real Crypto - We are on the journey to financial freedom in Crypto and we are bringing you with us… Our principles are simple:

1) Decentralization: We operate with full decentralization
2) Community: Our decisions prioritize the community first.
3) Freedom: We value freedom and equality for all.
4) Integrity: We oppose scams, VC dumps, and unreliable founders.
5) Neutrality: We are chain-agnostic, embracing all platforms without tribalism.
6) Transparency: We prioritize transparency and trust.
7) Resilience: We are committed to long-term success.
8) Learners: We are alpha profit maxis

Participate in Blaze and be part of a new transparent movement in crypto. Let’s build together, promoting real DeFi and multiple rewards based community protocols.

Frequently Asked Questions

Meet The Team

Ally Kane
Digital Dynamo
Bad Sports
Director of Awesomeness
Steve Defi
Chief fun officer
overlord of opportunities
Utah Krypto
Master of coin
captin of creativity
ninja of numbers
Irish Crypto
chief adventure officer

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